Friday, May 7, 2010

A Really Tough Decision

Okay, Sophie, what are you going to pick? Will it be... what's behind Curtain Number One?

[pause for crowd reaction]

Or will it be... Curtain Number Two????

[longer pause for more enthusiastic crowd reaction]

Or is it going to be...


[pause for hysterical crowd reaction, hold up envelope for display]

This Mystery Envelope right here in my hands????

[jokingly pretend like your ears hurt from the sheer volume of applause and audience screaming]

The one with several Questions Marks printed all over the front?????

[wave the envelope in the air again as the audience rises to its feet, hooting and hollering, jumping up and down, slapping themselves in the face]

Okay, folks, ha ha, okay now, settle down ladies and gentlemen, ha ha ha, okay everyone, take your seats, ha ha, thank you, thank you, ha ha, but folks, please take your seats...

Now Sophie. You just got a little advice from our studio audience...

[brief pause for crowd response]

Ha ha, okay folks, settle down now...

Okay... Sophie. Now, we already know that you're going home with something; we would never send you off empty handed, ha ha.

But which one will it be?

Curtain Number One... Number Two... or the Mystery Envelope?

Now, Sophie, I know it's a hard decision, because you probably want them all, right? Ha ha ha. I know I would if I were you, ha ha. But Sophie, since this show only lasts 30 minutes, ha ha ha, you're going to have to make up your mind and choose one.

Which one is it going to be, Sophie?

Just choose one.
Come on, Sophie.
Eenie meenie miney moe.

Come on, girl, you can do it...

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